Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

March Update

It is March and changes continue to happen here at Tri State. The “Accesible Family Outpost” has a new new and improved look. Work continues on this building and plans are to have this available for us by the end of the summer. We were blessed to have a work group in from our Amish friends from the north. They worked on the building and accomplised a great deal.

In addition to that more work is ongoing at cabin 4. We have extended that building out and added more sleeping space, upgrading the bathroom and new flooring. The goal is to have cabin 4 completly done by June 1st. Just in time for summer camp. We have also done some more updates to the new recreation shelter. Side porch roof is on.

We are partnering with an orginization called “The Sowers Minsitry” and we had the first group of Sowers in in February. They worked on cabin 4, the dining hall and cleaned windows and mopped floors. We will have 3 or 4 more couples in this month to work and help out were needed.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

Year End Thoughts

Make it stand out

TriState is the place to be in 2025!

2024 has been a great year for the camp. We saw a big jump in the number of youth coming for summer camp. As a result, more baptism’s and re-dedications to live Christ Like. The staff has been extremely busy with renovations, updates and new builds. Tri State Christian Camp has undergown a major face lift in the past 5 years. Our rentals have more than doubled since last year which is a huge blessing for the budget.

I guess the only downside too all this is that more individuals and churches have not come on board to support the camp financially and with work crews. We still have unfinished projects that need to be finished. Winter volunteers are beginning to arrive but some of these unfinished projects require a lot of man-power. We will be extending cabin 4 out to increase the bed space and to match the fronts of cabins 5 & 6. Cabin 4’s bathroom will also be upgraded to HDA compliance, which will require plumbers and tile people. And there is still work on the new maintenance shop. The other big project is "Accessible Family Outpost". This is located just inside the entry of Peacock Road (were the sign and flagpole is). We were gifted a building and it needs renovated. Again we need carpenters, electrcians, plumpers and laborers to get this done. Some work has begun on this project, but still a lot to be done. So please consider putting together work crews to join us in completing these projects. We will feed you while your here.

And I would be remiss if I did not include a plea for your finacial support. We need individuals to join our exsisiting small group of individual donors. Any size gift is appreceated. And all gifts are tax deductable. So with income tax season just around the bend why not donate to the camp and receive a donation letter so you can add it to you deduction list. And talk to your church mission board and encourage them to add Tri State Christian Camp to there missions. After all, Tri State is the supporting churches camp.

Thanks for a great year. Keep sending your kids so that 2025 will be even better that 2024.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from the Staff at Tri State Christian Camp & Retreat Center.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

Change Is Happening

The Next Mile Project

Today we started clearing 5 new RV sites. These will be full hookup sites. Thisis a part of “The Next Mile” project that we have undertaken to continue developing the camp into a great ministry tool for God’s kingdom. These RV sites will be utilized this winter bt The Sowers Ministry. The Sowers are retired christian RVer’s that volunteer their time and skills in kingdom work. They will join us in working on many of our projects associated with “The Next Mile”.

Please partner with us in the next 2 years as we finish “The Next Mile”. Your gift will be used for this project and is tax deductable. We are using Zeffy as our donation platform. They do not charge us any transation fees so your entire gift goes to the project. Please help us complete the road trip here at TriState Christian Camp & Retreat Center.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

The Next Mile

Take The Journey With Us.

It’s A Trip Worth Taking!

It may seem line a long road, but with you along for the ride, it shortens the distance..

Heads Up! Attention! Wake Up! We have launched “The Next Mile” campaign. It’s purpose is to raise enough funds to finish a number of projects that need to be completed. You might wonder why we would enter into a fund raising campaign. So I will be frank. We want to complete the remodeling projects and develope another revenue stream to help bolster the budget. Not that we are in any trouble financial. We are firm in regards to that. We simply want to finalize projects that are not yet finished.

Our two year campaign is:

"The Next Mile" projects ($300,000.00)

          Accessible Family Outpost $122,500.00

          Cabin #4 enlargement $50,000.00

          Dining Hall back deck $20,000.00

          Activity Shelter (stage & deck) 15,000.00

          Maintenance shop roof extension & main floor concrete slab 25,000

          Remodel four bathrooms 60,000.00

          New pool fence 7,500.0

Accessible Family Outpost

    $20,000.00 Road improvement

    $20,000.00 Sewer

    $20,000.00 Electrical 

    $ 7,500.00 Water 

    $ 2,500.00 Additional land clearing

    $ 52,500.00 Outpost cabin remodel

    $122,500.00 Total on "Accessible Family  Outpost"

We need your help to make this a reality. We have applied for a number of grants for this but your involvment will make happen.

Please make you contribution today by clicking on the link below.


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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

New RV Loop Development Has Started

We have started preliminary steps in developing or new RV Loop. Trenching has started for water and electric services. Other infrastructure will begin first of September. Our goal is to have 6 active RV sites available before our winter volunteers show up. If your church would like to volunteer some time or finances to help see this project through, please call the office manager at 352-535-3877 or send him and email at officemanagertscc@gmail.com. To give directly click the Donate Button below.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

Our New Activities Shelter Is Getting a Workout

As many of you know, we have recently added a 60’X100” covered shelter to a facility. Cement slab with a 16’ metal roof. What a blessing it has been already. Our summer camp sessions loved it, so I am told. It provided a place for them to do worship outside. It also has basketball court, Octoball pit and carpet ball. Not only is this now a great place for the campers to hang during free time, but it greatly reduces traffic in the dining hall which our kitchen staff is very thankful for (right Josie?). In addition, the Rotary Camp organization loves this addition as it is greta for all our guests with disabilities. They now have plenty of shade from the sun.

So our many thanks go out to all involved to help this become a reality here at TriState. We love ya all.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

Construction Has Begun

On May 6th, day 1 of construction began on the 60’ X 100’ metal shelter that will be used in many ways. Outdoor worship. Bad weather shelter. Concerts. and many other camp activities. Work is being done by 3 of our supporting church members, Donny and Hunter Messer and Les Brown. The concrete slad was done by Max Lyons Concrete & Development. Initial construction is scheduled to be completed by weeks end and at the time electricity will be installed. This structure will greatly enhance the ministry here at TriState. Thanks to all involved in making this possible and thank God for making the grant money possible to build this debt free.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

Time For The Latest Update!

This coming Thursday, the 11th, we will be pouring the concrete slab for the “NEW” covered shelter. This will be a 6-’ X 100’ metal structure and will be located along side the current basketball court. Pray that it does not rain Thursday please. May 6th is the schedule date for constructing the building. This will be a multi purpose structure. Basketball, and other recreation. It will also be used as an outdoor worship area. It will be a huge benefit for our Rotary camp campers as it will provide ample shade from the sun. Randy has been wanting this structure for some time and will finally happen. God continues to bless Tri State as this addition comes at no cost to the camp. Praise God for grants.

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

Summer Camp Is Right Around The Corner

Hey moms and dads. It will be here before you know it! What’s that you say? Summer Camp. It happens every year. You pack your child up for a week at Tri State Christian Camp where they enjoy a week with us and away from you. Remember? Swimming Pool. Zip Line. Teaching and Worship. Only 3 months away. 100 days. I know you cannot wait for summer camp to arrive. We have added a 4th session this year. So here is the schedule. Grab your spot by clicking on the week below and you can register online. Register today. It will make my job easier and remove an anxiety or stress you may be having. Will speed up check in as well. Win win for everyone!

June 2 -7 High School Week.

June 7 - 8 First Chance Camp

June 9 - 14 Elementary Camp

June 16 - 21 Middle School Camp

For those who want to use the paper form you can download that as well by click on here. If you choose to take use this option, downoald the form, fill it out and mail it into the camp office at the address below. The form must include at least a $25 deposit to hold your bed with balance due at check in.

Tri State Christian Camp

100 Christian Camp Rd

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

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Randy Chesnut Randy Chesnut

2024 - Another Exciting Year Ahead

We have said goodbye to 2023 and are anxiously looking foreword to seeing what God has in store for us here at Tri State Christian Camp. 2023 was both exciting and fun to be a part of as God tipped His Mighty Hand in Our favor.Here is a brief reminder of what happened last year.

1.) Camper enrollment was up significantly. 50% from 2022

2.) 4 baptisms

3.) Received a large grant that will be used to build a new metal tent and maintenance building.

4.) Most weekends were booked with rentals for 2023.

5.) Community involvement that built relationships with many businesses in the area.

6.) Hired another staff member.

So the question going into 2024 is, What does God have planned? We don’t know. But whatever it is, we plan to make sure that when He calls we answer that call. And that is where you can help. Pray for the camp and the camp staff as ministry and work continue to move forward. Pray for God’s Hand in the lives of people who come on the grounds and are moved by what He has provided. And consider joining in the ministry by supporting the camp financially. Any gift of any size will go a long way and you can know that you were apart of Tri State Christian Camp in 2024.

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