Year End Thoughts

Make it stand out

TriState is the place to be in 2025!

2024 has been a great year for the camp. We saw a big jump in the number of youth coming for summer camp. As a result, more baptism’s and re-dedications to live Christ Like. The staff has been extremely busy with renovations, updates and new builds. Tri State Christian Camp has undergown a major face lift in the past 5 years. Our rentals have more than doubled since last year which is a huge blessing for the budget.

I guess the only downside too all this is that more individuals and churches have not come on board to support the camp financially and with work crews. We still have unfinished projects that need to be finished. Winter volunteers are beginning to arrive but some of these unfinished projects require a lot of man-power. We will be extending cabin 4 out to increase the bed space and to match the fronts of cabins 5 & 6. Cabin 4’s bathroom will also be upgraded to HDA compliance, which will require plumbers and tile people. And there is still work on the new maintenance shop. The other big project is "Accessible Family Outpost". This is located just inside the entry of Peacock Road (were the sign and flagpole is). We were gifted a building and it needs renovated. Again we need carpenters, electrcians, plumpers and laborers to get this done. Some work has begun on this project, but still a lot to be done. So please consider putting together work crews to join us in completing these projects. We will feed you while your here.

And I would be remiss if I did not include a plea for your finacial support. We need individuals to join our exsisiting small group of individual donors. Any size gift is appreceated. And all gifts are tax deductable. So with income tax season just around the bend why not donate to the camp and receive a donation letter so you can add it to you deduction list. And talk to your church mission board and encourage them to add Tri State Christian Camp to there missions. After all, Tri State is the supporting churches camp.

Thanks for a great year. Keep sending your kids so that 2025 will be even better that 2024.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from the Staff at Tri State Christian Camp & Retreat Center.


March Update


Change Is Happening